Distribution of N-terminal anti-ERa

Distribution of a N-term ERa epitope (ER21) in septal artery endothelia

(a) Deconvolved image of ER21 in a single cell, XY orientation. Voxel size 100x100x250 nm; scale bar = 2 micrometres.
(b) DAPI stain, (which highlights the nucleus) in the same cell. The inset displays the nuclear mask at 1/3 the size.
(c) Superimposed image of the nuclear shell and ER21, the image was bisected in XY. For all images, extranuclear ER is pseudocoloured
green;intranuclear ER white and nuclear shell is blue. 86% of the voxels containing ER21 were within the nucleus.
(d) Superimposed image of the nuclear shell and ER21 rotated 90° around the Y-axis and then bisected in YZ. Arrow points
to the apical side of the cell.

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

Cardiovascular Research Group
Life Sciences Centre
2350 Health Sciences Mall,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z3, Canada

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